Monday 5 May 2014

Coconut Butter Buns 椰丝奶油面包

Yield: 9 pieces of 10cm round buns

Coconut filling椰丝内馅 (148g)
100g grated coconut, room temperature 
50g gula melaka/palm sugar 椰糖
25g water 水
1 pandan leaf (optional) 香兰叶
1/2 tsp glutinous rice flour 糯米粉
1 tbsp water to mix with glutinous rice flour 水,用来调糯米粉成糊

1. Melt gula melaka in 25g of water with pandan leaf under medium heat. Stir regularly.

2. After the gula melaka syrup starts to boil, stir in the grated coconut and mix well.

3. Finally pour in the glutinous rice water and blend well. Stirring regularly till the mixture becomes dry and sticky.

4. Scoop out the coconut mixture and allow it to cool down. Set aside.

Butter bread dough 奶油面团
135g bread flour 高筋面粉
15g top flour 低筋面粉
20g fine sugar 细糖
15g beaten egg 蛋液
1/2 tsp instant dry yeast 即发酵母粉
1/8 tsp salt 盐
90g milk 牛奶
20g unsalted butter 无盐奶油

Some beaten egg for glazing 蛋液
Some almond strips 杏仁条

1. Pour all the ingredients, except the  milk and butter, into a mixing bowl to mix well.

2. Slowly pour in the milk, stir to mix. When all the ingredients combine into a lump, cover it with a lid, and let it rest for about 15 ~ 20 minutes.

3. Hold on to one end of the dough, slam it against the wall of the bowl, fold up, turn 90 degree, and grab the other end of the dough. Repeat the process till the dough becomes less sticky. This takes about 1 to 2 minutes.
As the dough is quite sticky, wear a pair of gloves for easy handling.

4. Transfer the dough to a slightly floured surface and start the slam-fold-turn process till the dough becomes smooth and elastic. This process takes about 10 minutes.

5. Spread out the dough and apply softened butter on it. Knead the dough to incorporate the butter to the dough. 

6. When there is no visible trace of butter, repeat the slam-fold-turn process till you get an elastic dough. This process takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

7. Put the dough into a lightly greased mixing bowl, spray some water over the dough, cover with a lid, and allow it to proof for 1 hour till the size doubles.

To check whether the proofing is ready, coat your finger with some flour and poke through the centre of the dough. If the gap stay, then the proofing is complete.

8. Turn out the dough onto a floured work top and deflate it with your palm.

9. Divide the I dough into 9 portions. Each portion is about 33g.

Roll each small dough up and pull down the sides several times to stretch the dough into a tight ball. And seal at the bottom.
Apply some flour to the dough ball, and roll it between your palm to shape it into a round ball.
Place the doughs into a bowl, cover and let them rest for 15 minutes.

10. Take out a dough and roll it out into a 10cm round flat disc, with the central slightly thicker than the edge.

11. Flip the dough over, so the smoother side will be facing out when wrap up.
Scoop about 16g coconut filling onto the dough, seal it, and shape it into a ball.

12. Place the dough onto a non-stick baking tray, spray some water over, and place in a closed oven to proof for about 40 minutes.

13. After proofing, remove the tray of doughs from the oven, and pre-heat the oven to 170 degree Celsius.
Apply beaten egg over the dough and put a few almond strips on top.

14. Bake the buns at 170 degree Celsius for 15 to 18 minutes or till the top turns golden.

15. Allow the buns to cool down on a wire rack before serving. Enjoy :)

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